Alun's Blog — Blog RSS

2018 Ultimate NBA Fantasy Tips and Strategy

The fantasy season has already started but don’t think it’s too late to grab a team and create or join a public league.   I will be going through a full fantasy strategy discussing how to build your team and what you need to do to win your Fantasy League. I am not an expert in fantasy by any means but I have had some success in the past winning the old Stock Exchange which is still the best fantasy game that I have ever played.  I have also placed in the top 3 in the old Espn Pick One Challenge on multiple occasions but since these games are not available I will focus mainly on Roto and Head to...

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Top 10 Starting Lineups and Season Preview

Welcome to Starting 5!  Come check out our blog to see team previews, fantasy tips and predictions, rankings and anything else NBA related.  We will be having regular dedicated blogs for Top Ten Lists and Who's Better, so one week it may be the Top 10 Greatest Finals Performances and the next week it may be who was better Jason Kidd or Steve Nash?   Since our website is called Starting 5, it only seems fitting that the first top ten list will be the top ten starting 5 lineups in the NBA.  First I made a ranking system to grade each player in the starting lineup out of 10 (Lebron James is the only player ranked with a perfect score of...

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